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School accountability, Measurement in Practice
the intersection of 

test design, psychometrics, and policy


Develop school accountability systems
Design state and school report cards with a focus on the interpretability and usability of reports
Design state- and district-level assessments.
Advise on computer-based assessment transition.
Run standard-setting workshops
and evaluate methodologies for both setting and reviewing cut scores
Build capacity on assessment literacy and data use
Chair or serve on technical advisory committees.


Chair TAC for Tennessee, Oklahoma, and New York

Design workshop to build capacity for evaluating interventions in Kansas Redesign districts

Advise on Oklahoma A-F accountability system


Design psychometric analyses for Florida high school comparability study

Build and facilitate technical advisory committee meetings for Edmentum

Design validation studies for Renaissance Learning


Document psychometric processes for a lay audience for Project Lead the Way

Peer reviewer for US Department of Education



  • Tennessee Department of Education

  • Kansas Department of Education

  • Oklahoma Department of Education

  • New York State Education Department

  • Wisconsin Department of Education

  • Indiana Department of Education

  • Kentucky Department of Education

  • Washington DC Office of the State Superintendent of Instruction

  • Florida Department of Education

  • Massachusetts Department of Education

  • National Assessment Governing Board


  • Edmentum

  • Project Lead the Way

  • Renaissance Learning



Dr. Perie has worked in the area of educational assessment since 1999. Her work primarily focuses on state-level operational programs, designing and evaluating interim assessments for districts, and contributing to research for national and international assessments including NAEP, TIMSS and PISA. She has also worked with several states and the MSAA and DLM consortia to design and validate alternate assessments for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. In addition, she led a reporting group for the Nation’s Report Card (NAEP) and has served on multiple advisory committees for the National Assessment Governing Board. For three years, she led the Technical Issues in Large Scale Assessment collaborative for CCSSO and currently serves on the technical advisory committee for five states.


Her expertise lies in the intersection of test design, psychometric, and application. She has helped numerous states develop their school accountability systems and focuses on the interpretability and usability of reports. She spent several years of her career running standard-setting workshops and has designed new methodologies for both setting and reviewing cut scores. She also works at the district level to build capacity on assessment literacy and data use.


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Stilwell, KS 66085

Tel: 202-409-3358

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