Florida State Comparability Study (2017), $114,000 for 10 months
Oklahoma Assessment and Accountability Task Force, Oklahoma Department of Education (2016–2018), 275,000 for 3 years
Enhanced Learning Maps, US Department of Education (2016), $4,600,000 for 4 years
Kansas Assessment Program (2014–16), $19,000,000 for 3 years
Alaska English Language Arts & Mathematics Assessments, State of Alaska (2014), $25,000,000 for 7 years
Kansas Special Education Programs (2014), $2,000,000 for 18 months
Career Competency Qualification Development, Kansas Department of Education (2013), $125,000 for 1 year
Collaborative Advisor for TILSA SCASS, Council of Chief State School Officers (2013), $80,000 for 2 years (renewed in 2015 for another two years)
Development of the Teacher Leader Assessment, Kansas Department of Education (2013), $47,835 for 1 year
White Papers for Smarter Balanced, WESTED (2013), $16,000 for 7 months